About Cigars2Me
Cigars2me is a site which will devote itself to providing cigars from boutique brands and some of the majors, but also accessories, apparel, occasional special items, etc. We welcome suggestions on cigars and any paraphernalia which fits our chosen lifestyle.
Cigars2me understands that the true cigar lover is that special someone that can't wait to try something new and good and can't wait to share them with others.
We welcome "Bombing". If there's someone you want to "Bomb" with our products, we will put together a package and slip some of our own.
Our first partner's product which we will introduce is Felix Assouline Cigars. They are the manufacturers of six outstanding brands which we are proud to introduce. Felix Assouline Cigars already has a great following which we are inviting to our sites with exclusive cigars and promotions.
On any given month, we will be adding products to our portfolio. We also carry hard to find Vintage Cigars which we make available. Please remember, once they're gone, they're gone.
We are proud to have Felix Assouline suggest cigars which we will carry. Try his suggestions and let us know whether Felix had it right this month!